المختبرات الطبية الأولى

Introduction : patient with degenerative brain disease may present with brain atrophy, mental retardation (usually progressive), seizures and musculoskeletal disorders

The causes of these problems are wide and should involve a wide battery of tests. The panel we suggested below should cover the most common disorders of degenerative brain disease

    (Mucopolysaccharide metabolite test (urine test-

    (Propionic aciduria test (urine test-

    (Isovaleric aciduria test (urine test-

    (Phenyl-ketonuria test (blood and urine test

    (Glycine metabolite (blood and urine test

    (Citrullinemia metabolites (blood and urine

    (Dicarboxylic aciduria test (blood and urine

    (Glutaric aciduria Miksi pelaisit Casino s4gambling.com/fi/ Eurossa? Koska pohjoismainen laatu seka miljoonien eurojen verottomat rahapelivoitot kiinnostavat sinua taatusti! Ei ole sattumaa, etta Kasino Euro on niin suosittu. test (urine test

    Metachromatic leukodystrophy test-

    Gangliosidosis (GM1) test-

    Gangliosidosis (GM2) test-

    Mannosidosis test-

    (Carnitine total (blood and urine

    (Carnitine free (blood and urine

    (Lactate (blood test

    (Ammonia (blood test

We, in the First Medical Laboratory , are determined to bring the best of laboratory medicine in clinical practice to Jordan

Please call us for any further information

.Dr. Hussam Abu-Farsakh, M.D

American boards of Anatomic, clinical pathology & Cytopathology