المختبرات الطبية الأولى

Performing the complete profile of antibodies against nuclear antigens is very helpful is the diagnosis of different types of connective tissue diseases that are present. The full spectrum of

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these antigens are as follows

nRNP, Sm, SS-A, SS-B, Scl-70, Jo-1, centromere, dsDNA, Histones, ribosomal P protein

Antibodies against these antigens can indicate specific disease pattern as shown below

Systemic lupus erythematosus: Anti-Double stranded DNA , Anti-Sm, anti-ribosomal P protein, anti-SS-A (RO), Anti-SS-B (La), Antihistone

(Sjogren’s syndrome: Anti-SS-A (Ro), Anti-SS-B(La

Mixed connective tissue disease: Anti-RNP

Scleroderma: Anti-Scl-70, Anti-PM-Scl, Anti-Ku

CREST: anticentromere

(Polymyositis: Anti-Jo1 (usually associated with interstitial lung fibrosis

Medication induced lupus: anti-histones

Material required: Serum

We, in the First Medical Laboratory, are dedicated to bring the best of laboratory medicine to clinical practice to Jordan

Dr. Hussam Abu-Farsakh

American Board of Anatomic & Clinical Pathology, and Cytopathology

Circular: is a periodic circular that distributed to clinician informing them about new and important tests available at First Medical Laboratory. All information listed are supported by recent literature