:Normal range
Total protein : 66-87 g/L
Albumin : 35-87 g/L
a1 Globulin : 2-4 g/L
a2 Globulin : 3-9 g/L
b Globulin : 4-10 g/L
g Globulin : 6-17 g/L
Total globulin : 20-35 g/L
A/G Ratio : 1.1-2.2 g/L
Comment: Albumin: see albumin, serum. a 1-globulin: Includes a 1-antitrypsin, a 1 acid glycoprotein, a1-lipoproteins. etc. it is increased along with a-2 band in acute phase reaction. An increase in a -1 components alone maybe seen in acute phase reactions accompanied by hemolysis, chronic hepatitis, pregnancy or estrogen therapy. Low or flat a-curve occurs in a-1- antrypsin deficiency.a 2-globulin: Includes haptoglobin, a-2 macroglobulin, pre-b lipoprotein, ceruloplasmin and numerous enzyme and coagulation factors. It increases along with a-1 band in acute infections and rheumatic fever. Predominate increase in a-2 band occurs in diseases characterized by vasculitis e.g. rheumatoid arthritis and immune complex disease. Healthy children have higher levels of a-2 macroglobulin. b-globulin: Includes transferrin, hemopexin, b-lipoproteins, various complement fractions, several enzymes and coagulation factors. It is increased in iron deficiency anemia (transferrin) or high levels of estrogens. Decreased in chronic inflammatory states, some instances of acquired liver disease, nephro syndrome and chronic debilitating illnesses. g-globulin: Indludes the imunoglobulins, the presence of an M-band in this fraction is suggestive of multiple myeloma. Hypergammaglobulins are usually seen in chronic inflammatory disorders
Sample: serum