Normal range: No M-band detected
Comment: Useful in monitoring patients with nephrotic syndrome and multiple myeloma
Sample: 24 hrs spot urine
Normal range: No M-band detected
Comment: Useful in monitoring patients with nephrotic syndrome and multiple myeloma
Sample: 24 hrs spot urine
Normal range: Negative Comment: of particular importance in Rh negative antenatal patients. Identification and titer carried…
Useful for diarrhea invsetigation in immunocompromized hosts Sample: Stool
(Normal range: 2-10 mg/24hr (10.5-52.3 mmol/24 hrs Comment: Urinary levels of 5-HIAA are raised in midgut…
Normal range: 15-45 mg/dL :Comment :Increased in impaired kidney function -1 Decreased renal perfusion as in…
Normal range: Negative Comment IgA endoysial antibody is found in untreated coeliac disease. Because it is…
Normal range: Methamphetamine: Negative less than 1000 ng/mL Opiates/morphine: Negative less than 300 ng/mL; Marijuana/Tetrahydrocannabinol: Negative…