Normal range: 0.8-2.7 nmol/L
Comment: High levels of both T3 and T4 are found in hyperthyroidism and low levels in primary or secondary hypothyroidism. T3 maybe elevated in the presence of a normal T4 in so-called T3-toxicosis
Sample: Serum
Normal range: 0.8-2.7 nmol/L
Comment: High levels of both T3 and T4 are found in hyperthyroidism and low levels in primary or secondary hypothyroidism. T3 maybe elevated in the presence of a normal T4 in so-called T3-toxicosis
Sample: Serum
Normal range: Up to 165 pmol/L Comment: For diagnosis of the cause of hypoglycaemia. The test…
Normal range: Blood, umol/L : Newborn: 10-67; Infants: 10-40; Children: 10-50; Adults: 10-40 Urine, umol/L :…
Normal range: M: up to 23 ng/mL; F : up to 27 ng/mL Comment: The most…
Detect the E.histiolytica antigen by ELISA test. Useful for patient with recurrent E.Histolytica infections to cofirm…
Normal range: 1.5-1.7 at 25oC Comment: Evaluate hyper viscosity syndromes associated with monoclonal gammopathy states (myeloma,…
Normal range: Negative Comment: Varicella (chickenpox) and Zoster (shingles) are two different clinical manifestations of infection…