Normal range: Negative
Comment: Increaed in MI, skeletal
muscle injury and in renal failure
Sample: Lithium heparin
Normal range: Negative
Comment: Increaed in MI, skeletal
muscle injury and in renal failure
Sample: Lithium heparin
Normal range: Negative Comment: Culture media may include enriched chocolate, Thayer-Martin with antibiotics, brain heart infusion…
Normal range: Negative Comment: Auto-immune With your Ascendant, the image you project in society is…
Normal range: Negative Comment: Varicella (chickenpox) and Zoster (shingles) are two different clinical manifestations of infection…
Allergy panel profile Autoimmune disease profile Auto-immune liver profile Anemia profile Chronic inflammatory bowel disease panel…
:Normal range Errect: 1.310-3.950 ng/mL/hr; Supine: 0.150-2.330 ng/mL/hr Comment: Renin, secreted by the juxtaglomerular cells adjacent…
Normal range: Negative Comment: Diagnosis malaria, parasitic infestation of blood; evaluate febrile disease of unknown origin…