Normal range: up to 220 u/l
Comment: Useful in diagnosis of acute pancreatitis; desirable to support the clinical significance of elevated serum lipase. Serum amylase is used to work up abdominal pain, epigastric tenderness, nausea, and vomiting, findings which characterize acute pancreatitis as well as acute surgical emergencies such as gastrointestinal perforation (eg, peptic ulcer with perforation) or bowel infract. Pancreatitis in an individual may or may not be related to alcoholism . hypercalcemia related to pancreatitisis recognized with hyper – parathyrodism and other entities. About 80% of subjects with acute pancreatitis have increased serum a mylase within 24 hours. Both amylase and lipase assays are recommended in organophosphate posing. Causes of high serum pancreatic enzymes include acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic ascites, pancreatic abscess, neoplasm, in or adjacent to pancreas, and common duct stones
Sample: Serum