Useful for detecting aspergillous infection
Sample: serum
Useful for detecting aspergillous infection
Sample: serum
Normal range: Negative Comment: Used to evaluate adrenal insufficiency and Addison’s disease. Serum antibodies to adrenal…
Normal range: Negative Comment:HbeAb, appears in patients who were previously HBeAg positive, indicates reduced infectivity., persist…
:Normal range Adult Male: 7-44 Mg/24hr Adult F : 4-31 Mg/24hr Child : 13-38…
:Normal range Urine 24hrs: up to 1.0 mg/24hr* Plasma: £ 0.3 nmol/L* Comment: Measurement of metanephrines…
Normal range: Negative Comment: Identify GI bleeding, especially from occult neoplasm. False positive results may follow…
:Normal range M: 33-55 mg/dL F: 36-65 mg/dL Comment: Low levels of HDL cholesterol predispose to…