Normal range: 7-21 mg/dl
Comment: Blood urea increase with age. Raised levels in renal dysfunction, dehydration, high protein catabolism. Low levels in pregnancy, starvation and hepatocellular failure
Sample: serum
Normal range: 7-21 mg/dl
Comment: Blood urea increase with age. Raised levels in renal dysfunction, dehydration, high protein catabolism. Low levels in pregnancy, starvation and hepatocellular failure
Sample: serum
Normal range: Negative Comment: Antibodies against Yo (PCA-1) particularly indicate breast and ovarian carcinomas. They are…
Normal range: Negative Comment: For many clinical specimens, a direct Gram stain is performed upon specimen…
Normal range: 10.7-18.4 mmol/L Comment: Effect on growth, development, weight loss, immune function, and CNS Sample:…
Normal range: < up to 5.0 mg/mL Comment: Increased in disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) which maybe…
:Normal range BasoX109/L EosinoX109/L Monos X109/L LymphosX109/L NeutrosX109/L Age 015.-2. 04-0.8. 04-1.0. 3.5-7.5 6-20 Neonates 015.-15….
Normal range: Negative Comment: See Hepatitis E total Ab Sample: serum