Normal range: 10-490 mg/dL
Comment: IgA deficiency is associated with mild recurrent respiratory tract infection and with intestinal disease. Raised in multiple myeloma and
chronic inflammatory disorders
Sample: Serum
Normal range: 10-490 mg/dL
Comment: IgA deficiency is associated with mild recurrent respiratory tract infection and with intestinal disease. Raised in multiple myeloma and
chronic inflammatory disorders
Sample: Serum
For detection of Rheumatoid arthritis, very high sensitivity and specificity. It is replacing RF factor for…
Normal range: Negative Comment: Autoimmune APCA are found in 80% of adults with autoimmune pernicious anemia…
Normal range: Negative Comment: Used mainly for the detection of HCV viremia prior to immunological sero-conversion,…
Normal range: 1.5-1.7 at 25oC Comment: Evaluate hyper viscosity syndromes associated with monoclonal gammopathy states (myeloma,…
:Normal range Children: 0.1-0.5 ng/mL Male: 0.6-2.7 ng/mL Female: 0.5-2.7 ng/mL Comment: There is diurnal variation….
:Normal range :Therapeutic Range Peak level: 20-30 mg/L* Trough level: < 5 mg/L* Comment: Amikacin is…