Normal range: No applicable; each study should be accompanied by an interpretive report

Comment: Evaluate and characterize clinical conditions (eg, plasmacytic, in particular multiple myeloma, lymphocytic, protein infiltrative, or other) that maybe associated with monoclonal gammopathy (M-protein) detected initially on protein electrophoretic study of serum, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, or other body fluids. Detect, quantitate, and analyze abnormal specific (but non-M-protein) serum protein populations. Can be used for detection of leakage of CSF into nose or ear, in which a beta-2 transferrin band maybe detected by use of antiserum against human transferrin. There maybe problems with sensitivity (a negative result cannot exclude CSF leakage). Congenital atransferrinemia is rare occurrence; a serum control should be used

Sample: serum

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