Comment: Its absence is useful for confirming APC disease
Sample: tissue from colonic carcinoma
Comment: Its absence is useful for confirming APC disease
Sample: tissue from colonic carcinoma
Normal range: up to 35 IU/ml Comment: A high molecular weight carbohydrate antigen especially elevated in…
:Normal range Urine: 10-270 mg/24 hrs :Plasma (Norepinephrine:(Supine:70-750 pg/mL, Standing: 200-1700 pg/mL- (Epinephrine:(Supine: undetectable-110 pg/mL, Standing:…
:Normal range Blood, umol/L* Newborn: 235-700 Infants: 100-619 Children: 150-600 Adults: 200-600 Urine, umol/L* Infants: <…
Detect the E.histiolytica antigen by ELISA test. Useful for patient with recurrent E.Histolytica infections to cofirm…
Normal range: 7-21 mg/dl Comment: Blood urea increase with age. Raised levels in renal dysfunction, dehydration,…
It is becoming increasingly recognized as a lethal virus if not properly treated. It should be…
Normal range: up to 35 IU/ml Comment: A high molecular weight carbohydrate antigen especially elevated in…
:Normal range Urine: 10-270 mg/24 hrs :Plasma (Norepinephrine:(Supine:70-750 pg/mL, Standing: 200-1700 pg/mL- (Epinephrine:(Supine: undetectable-110 pg/mL, Standing:…
:Normal range Blood, umol/L* Newborn: 235-700 Infants: 100-619 Children: 150-600 Adults: 200-600 Urine, umol/L* Infants: <…
Detect the E.histiolytica antigen by ELISA test. Useful for patient with recurrent E.Histolytica infections to cofirm…
Normal range: 7-21 mg/dl Comment: Blood urea increase with age. Raised levels in renal dysfunction, dehydration,…
It is becoming increasingly recognized as a lethal virus if not properly treated. It should be…
Normal range: up to 35 IU/ml Comment: A high molecular weight carbohydrate antigen especially elevated in…
:Normal range Urine: 10-270 mg/24 hrs :Plasma (Norepinephrine:(Supine:70-750 pg/mL, Standing: 200-1700 pg/mL- (Epinephrine:(Supine: undetectable-110 pg/mL, Standing:…
:Normal range Blood, umol/L* Newborn: 235-700 Infants: 100-619 Children: 150-600 Adults: 200-600 Urine, umol/L* Infants: <…
Detect the E.histiolytica antigen by ELISA test. Useful for patient with recurrent E.Histolytica infections to cofirm…
Normal range: 7-21 mg/dl Comment: Blood urea increase with age. Raised levels in renal dysfunction, dehydration,…
It is becoming increasingly recognized as a lethal virus if not properly treated. It should be…