Normal range: Negative
Comment: Sjogren’s syndrome related entities
Sample: serum
Normal range: Negative
Comment: Sjogren’s syndrome related entities
Sample: serum
:Normal range Blood, umol/L* Newborn: 75-200 Infants: 40-190 Children: 80-220 Adults: 75-200 Urine, umol/L* Infants: <…
Normal range: Negative Comment: With new development in immunology, medical scientists discovered new tests fairly specific…
:Normal range Blood, umol/L* Newborn: 20-170 Infants: 30-140 Children: 30-150 Adults: 20-140 Urine, umol/L* Infants: <10…
Normal range: Up to108 pg/mL Comment: Of diagnostic value in patients with a gastrinoma (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome)….
Normal range: 15-50% Comment: Factor XI deficiency is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. The associated…
:Normal range 24hr urine: Results are in relation to the volume collected (Spot urine: < 460…