Useful for detecting aspergillous infection
Sample: serum
Useful for detecting aspergillous infection
Sample: serum
Normal range: Negative Comment: Peripheral blood smear for Filariais. One negative result does not rule out…
Normal range: Up to 165 pmol/L Comment: For diagnosis of the cause of hypoglycaemia. The test…
Normal range: 1.6-34 IU/L Comment: Erythropoietin is produced by the kidney and is the primary hormone…
Normal range: Negative Comment:Increased in renal proteinuria, glomerulonephritis, diabetic, SLE, cystic kidney, malignancy, amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, sickle…
Peak level: 20-40 mg/mL; Trough level: 4-12 mg/mL Comment: Vancomycin is primarily used in the treatment…
Normal range: Titer <1:16 Comment: Elevated titers found in Mycoplasma pneumonia and other viral infections, cold…