Alpha 1 Anti trypsin
Normal range (M: 78-138 mg/dl (0.78-1.38 g/L (F : 79-188 mg/dl (0.79-1.88 g/L Comment: Alpha-…
Normal range (M: 78-138 mg/dl (0.78-1.38 g/L (F : 79-188 mg/dl (0.79-1.88 g/L Comment: Alpha-…
-1 (Food allergens (20 allergens Normal range: Negative Comment: Food allergy is usually mediated by IgE…
:Normal range Total alkaline phosphatase: up to 290 u/l Liver fraction: up to160 u/l Bone fraction:…
:Normal range (Adult: 100-290 u/l (1.67-4.84 mkat/L (Child : 180-1200 u/l (3.0-20.04 mkat/L Comment: Increasedduring bone…
:Normal range Erect : 111-860 Pmol/L Supine : 28-444 Pmol/L Comment: Useful the in investigation of…
(Normal range: 2-8 U/L (33-133 nkat/L Comment: Of diagnostic use in muscular dystrophy and other muscular…
Normal range: Negative Comment: Used in the quantitation of alcohol level for medical or legal purposes,…
Normal range: Negative Comment:Increased in renal proteinuria, glomerulonephritis, diabetic, SLE, cystic kidney, malignancy, amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, sickle…
Normal range: 3.5-5.2 g/dl 35-50 g/L Comment:Increasedin dehydration, lipemia, non-fasting samples, or ampicillin therapy. Low levels…
Normal range: 1.1-2.2 ratio Comment: Ratio indicates whether the levels of albumin or globulin exceed each…