Useful marker for gastric and colonic carcinoma. It has a high specificity for gastric carcinoma metastasis when it is high and useful for detecting recurrence
Sample: serum
Useful marker for gastric and colonic carcinoma. It has a high specificity for gastric carcinoma metastasis when it is high and useful for detecting recurrence
Sample: serum
Normal range: Up to 21 mg/L Comment: Increased: thyroid tumors (papillary and follicular, not in medullary…
Normal range: Negative Comment: The Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a highly sensitive technique to assess…
(See Anti LKM1 (Liver- Kidney Microsomal Ab
Normal range: Negative Comment:HbeAb, appears in patients who were previously HBeAg positive, indicates reduced infectivity., persist…
Normal range: No M-band detected Comment: Useful in monitoring patients with nephrotic syndrome and multiple myeloma…
Normal range: M : 3-7 mg/dL; F : 2.5-6 mg/dL Comment: Raised in gout. Also increased…