Detect the E.histiolytica antigen by ELISA test. Useful for patient with recurrent E.Histolytica infections to cofirm recurrence and its volume
Sample: Stool
Detect the E.histiolytica antigen by ELISA test. Useful for patient with recurrent E.Histolytica infections to cofirm recurrence and its volume
Sample: Stool
:Normal range Total protein : 150-450 mg/L Pre Albumin : 2.2-7.1% Albumin : 56.8-76.9% a-1 Globulins …
Serum or urinary samples, at the mid-trimester of pregnancy, is the best predictor of pre-eclampsia. This…
(Normal range: 9-53 mg/24 hrs (248-1462 nmol/24 hrs Comment: The diagnosis of Cushing syndrome (CS) requires…
See Fat in stool, Sudan III
Normal range: 5-10 mg/dL Comment: High levels found in hyperthyrodism and low levels in primary or…
Normal range: Adult: 30-120 mg/dL Comment: Dietary vitsmine A is derived from animal sources as well…