Normal range: 14-222 IU/mL
Comment: Investigation of monoclonal gammapathy for diagnosis of IgD myeloma
Sample: serum
Normal range: 14-222 IU/mL
Comment: Investigation of monoclonal gammapathy for diagnosis of IgD myeloma
Sample: serum
Normal range: Negative Comment: Identification by microscopy (AFB stain) has a relatively low sensitivity. Polymerase Chain…
:Normal range BasoX109/L EosinoX109/L Monos X109/L LymphosX109/L NeutrosX109/L Age 015.-2. 04-0.8. 04-1.0. 3.5-7.5 6-20 Neonates 015.-15….
:Normal range Blood, umol/L* Newborn: 50-260 Infants: 50-230 Children: 50-200 Adults: 40-200 Urine, umol/L* Infants: <…
:Normal range Smoker: up to 5.0 μg/L Non- smoker: 3.0 μg/L Comment: Produced by malignant tumors,…
Normal range: Normal Comment: Amino acid concentrations show a significant circardian rhythm with intra – day…
:Normal range Children : 36-41 μmol/L Adult M : 36-83 μmol/L Adult F : 28-75 μmol/L…