:Normal range
Inhibin A
pg/mL 5.46-28.16 : Early follicular phase 0-4 day of LMP
pg/mL 7.87-34.54 : Mid follicular phase 5-10 day of LMP
pg/mL 19.49-102.28 : Late follicular 11-13 day of LMP
pg/mL 49.92-155.48 : Day of ovulation 14 day of cycle
pg/mL 35.93-132.68 : Early luteal phase 15-17 day of LMP
pg/mL 13.15-159.55 : Mid luteal phase 18-25 day of LMP
pg/mL 7.28-89.95 : Late luteal phase 26-28 day of LMP
pg/mL 354.2-1690.0 : IVF – Peak levels
pg/mL 5.65-15.99 : PCOS – Ovulatory
pg/mL < 1-3.88 : Post menopausal
Inhibin B
Normal range: 22-418 pg/mL
Comment: Inhibin is the major gonadal inhibitory peptide regulating secretion of FSH in both sexes. It is synthesized in the placenta and plateaus during weeks 14-30. The a subunit combines with a b subunit to form Inhibin A (Ab) or Inhibin B (Bb). This test is used with other studies for prediction of Down’s syndrome. Studies discussed as second trimester tests include AFP, hCG, and Inhibin A with or without unconjucated estriol uE3
Sample: serum