:Normal range

(F:(mg/L (M:(mg/L (Age(y (F:(mg/L (M:(mg/L (Age(y
1.45-5.69 1.45-4.75 22-23 0.66-2.51 0.9-1.79 0-1
1.51-4.4 1.15-4.3 24-25 0.843.77 1.12-2.33 2-3
1.38-4.7 1.24-5.18 26-27 1.32-3.6 1.16-3.13 4-5
1.19-5.43 1.23-4.27 28-29 1.21-4.66 1.32-3.38 6-7
1.29-4.06 1.29-4.06 30-34 1.58-3.99 1.35-3.94 8-9
1.5-3.44 1.5-3.44 35-39 1.93-5.5 1.53-5.02 10-11
1.33-3.6 1.33-3.58 10-44 1.78-6.08 1.73-5.11 12-13
1.44-2.8 1.44-2.75 45-49 2.02-5.4 1.9-6.4 14-15
1.31-2.5 1.31-2.52 50-54 1.88-5.3 1.7-6.04 16-17
1.53-2.4 1.53-2.43 55-59 1.63-6 1.52-6.01 18-19
1.4-3.22 1.4-3.22 60-70 1.82-5.4 1.79-5.41 20-21

Comment: Use in Growth hormone deficiency, originally proposed as a convenient (because of long half – life) marker of GH activity in the diagnosis of GH deficiency, the clinical accuracy is some what less than ideal

Sample: 2 ml serum, fasting & freeze immediately

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