Normal range: Negative
Comment: Useful in the investigation of multiple myeloma for the evaluation of Kappa & Lambda ratio
Sample: Urine
Normal range: Negative
Comment: Useful in the investigation of multiple myeloma for the evaluation of Kappa & Lambda ratio
Sample: Urine
Normal range: Negative Comment: The Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a highly sensitive technique to assess…
Normal range: 7-21 mg/dl Comment: Blood urea increase with age. Raised levels in renal dysfunction, dehydration,…
:Normal range M : 1.1-7.0 mIU/mL Follicular : 1.5-8.0 mIU/mL Luteal : 0.2-0.6 mIU/mL Mid….
:Normal range Newborns (< 2 months) : Arterial 7.32-7.49 2months- 2years : Arterial…
Normal range: 15-78 mg/24hrs Comment:Urinary collection is valuable to detected magnesium deficiency due to gastrointestinal causes…
Normal range: 200-450 mg/dL Comment: Assayed in an acute hemorrhagic episode in which disseminated intravascular coagulation…