Normal range: Up to 190 U/L
Comment: Increased in acute pancreatitis. May also be raised in some cases of pancreatic carcinoma, chronic biliary disease and in chronic renal failure
Sample: Serum
Normal range: Up to 190 U/L
Comment: Increased in acute pancreatitis. May also be raised in some cases of pancreatic carcinoma, chronic biliary disease and in chronic renal failure
Sample: Serum
:Normal range Adult, 1 hr (dose, 25 g): ³ 25 Adult with intermediate renal insufficiency, 1…
Normal range: Negative Comment:Used for the detection of lymphocytotoxic antibodies in renal transplant recipients. Also used…
Normal range: Negative Comment: The most common cause of ketonuria (acetone, acetoacetate & B-hydroxybutyrate) is uncontrolled…
Normal range: Negative (Comment: Increased Heinz body anemia (910-40% of the hemoglobin is a structurally abnormal,…
Normal range: Negative Comment: Factor V Leiden is the genetic mutation responsible increased tendency for thrombosis….
Normal range: Negative Comment: Identification by microscopy (AFB stain) has a relatively low sensitivity. Polymerase Chain…