probably neoplastic <15%
Borderline 15%-25%
Probably Hyperplasia >25%
probably neoplastic <15%
Borderline 15%-25%
Probably Hyperplasia >25%
Normal range: 146-376 Mu/109E Comment: Low values reflect a congenital enzyme deficiency which may occur in…
:Normal range Adult Male: 7-44 Mg/24hr Adult F : 4-31 Mg/24hr Child : 13-38…
:Normal range :Therapeutic Range Peak level: 20-30 mg/L* Trough level: < 5 mg/L* Comment: Amikacin is…
:Normal range BasoX109/L EosinoX109/L Monos X109/L LymphosX109/L NeutrosX109/L Age 015.-2. 04-0.8. 04-1.0. 3.5-7.5 6-20 Neonates 015.-15….
Normal range: Negative Comment: Culture media may include enriched chocolate, Thayer-Martin with antibiotics, brain heart infusion…
Normal range: Negative Comment IgA endoysial antibody is found in untreated coeliac disease. Because it is…
Normal range: 146-376 Mu/109E Comment: Low values reflect a congenital enzyme deficiency which may occur in…
:Normal range Adult Male: 7-44 Mg/24hr Adult F : 4-31 Mg/24hr Child : 13-38…
:Normal range :Therapeutic Range Peak level: 20-30 mg/L* Trough level: < 5 mg/L* Comment: Amikacin is…
:Normal range BasoX109/L EosinoX109/L Monos X109/L LymphosX109/L NeutrosX109/L Age 015.-2. 04-0.8. 04-1.0. 3.5-7.5 6-20 Neonates 015.-15….
Normal range: Negative Comment: Culture media may include enriched chocolate, Thayer-Martin with antibiotics, brain heart infusion…
Normal range: Negative Comment IgA endoysial antibody is found in untreated coeliac disease. Because it is…
Normal range: 146-376 Mu/109E Comment: Low values reflect a congenital enzyme deficiency which may occur in…
:Normal range Adult Male: 7-44 Mg/24hr Adult F : 4-31 Mg/24hr Child : 13-38…
:Normal range :Therapeutic Range Peak level: 20-30 mg/L* Trough level: < 5 mg/L* Comment: Amikacin is…
:Normal range BasoX109/L EosinoX109/L Monos X109/L LymphosX109/L NeutrosX109/L Age 015.-2. 04-0.8. 04-1.0. 3.5-7.5 6-20 Neonates 015.-15….
Normal range: Negative Comment: Culture media may include enriched chocolate, Thayer-Martin with antibiotics, brain heart infusion…
Normal range: Negative Comment IgA endoysial antibody is found in untreated coeliac disease. Because it is…