:Normal range
Not immune: Negative
Previous exposure: Positive
(Comment: Fetal infection during the first trimester is main concern for such test. (Do not vaccinate in suspected pregnancy
Sample: serum
:Normal range
Not immune: Negative
Previous exposure: Positive
(Comment: Fetal infection during the first trimester is main concern for such test. (Do not vaccinate in suspected pregnancy
Sample: serum
(See Anti LKM1 (Liver- Kidney Microsomal Ab
:Normal range PH : 4.5-8.0 Specific gravity : 1.003-1.030 Appearance : Clear Colour : Straw…
Comment: To detect presence of pathogenic microorganism in prostatic fluid Sample: prostatic fluid
:Normal range M : 20-300 ng/mL F : 10-160 ng/mL Comment: Serum ferritin is an acute…
Normal range: Negative Comment: A more sensitive and specific test than the VDRL in the diagnosis…
:Comment For myasthenia Gravis Acetyl cholinesterase For familial polyposis coli Adenomatous polyposis coli For adalin def….