:Normal range
Age Male——-Age Female—————-
0.9-3.2pg/mL 19-29 19-41
0.8-3.0pg/mL 30-39 18-39
0.6-2.5pg/mL 40-49 16-33
0.3-2.7pg/mL 50-59 13-31
0.4-2.0pg/mL 60-69 11-26
0.2-2.0pg/mL 70-79 9-25
Comment: Free testosterone levels are valuable for investigating patients with hirsutism, loss of libido and male hypogondism. It is independent of changes in concentrations of the principal testosterone transport protein, sex hormone-binding globulin. Measurements of free testosterone may be more appropriate than measurements of total testosterone. It is independent of changes in concentrations of the principal testosterone transplant protein, sex hormone-binding globulin. Low values may be found in male infertility due to hypogonadism. High levels may indicate an adrenocortical tumor, adrogen-secreting ovarian tumor or pituitary overproduction of ACTH
Sample: Serum, state, sex, age