Introduction: EPO is a Glycoprotein growth factor that is primary stimulus to erythropoiesis, produced by the kidney, and acts directly on precursor cells in the bone marrow. Decreased oxygen delivery is the primary stimulus for EPO production that is the case usually in anemia and hypoxemia

:Clinical Use


Very important in distinguishing Primary Polycythemia (Polycythemia Rubra Vera) from secondary Polycythemia causes. High level of EPO seen in cases of Secondary Polycythemia (as in chronic respiratory diseases), however, low levels of EPO is seen in primary Polycythemia Rubra Vera


Decreased in patients with Chronic renal failure: Measurement of EPO blood level

is essential in deciding which patients with chronic renal disease worth to give Synthetic EPO. Synthetic EPO is very helpful in recovering these patients from the anemia


EPO Raised in some malignancies and considered as a tumor marker: It is raised in Hepatocellular carcinoma in 23% of cases and in 5 % of Renal cell carcinoma


Low EPO observed in patient with rheumatoid arthritis and contributed to the state of anemia in these cases

:Material needed

100 mL heparinized plasma sample specimen , preferably taken between 7:30 am and 12: 00 noon; patient not necessary to be fasting; hemolysis in specimen can have effect on the assay

We, in the First Medical Laboratory, are dedicated to bring the best of Laboratory medicine to Clinical practice to Jordan

.Dr. Hussam Abu- Farsakh, M.D

American Boards of Anatomic, Clinical Pathology

American Board of Cytopathology

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