(Normal range: 17-37 units (mmol/hour/g hemoglobin
Comment: Diagnose galactosemia (galactose -1- phosphate uridyl transferase deficiencies that cause galactosemia are galactokinase and UDP galactose – 4 – epimerase
Sample: EDTA blood
(Normal range: 17-37 units (mmol/hour/g hemoglobin
Comment: Diagnose galactosemia (galactose -1- phosphate uridyl transferase deficiencies that cause galactosemia are galactokinase and UDP galactose – 4 – epimerase
Sample: EDTA blood
Normal range: Up to 165 pmol/L Comment: For diagnosis of the cause of hypoglycaemia. The test…
Normal range: Negative Comment: Hepatitis E serology provides help in evaluation of the etiology hepatitis in…
(Normal range: 65-165 μg/dL (10-26 mmol/L Comment: Nearly all serum copper is found bound to ceruloplasmin…
Normal range: Negative Comment: The Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a highly sensitive technique to assess…
Normal range: Negative Comment: Factor V Leiden is the genetic mutation responsible increased tendency for thrombosis….
Normal range: 70-110 mg/dL Comment: Three tests recommended for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus are fasting…