Normal range: Negative
Comment: SS-A (Ro) and SS-B (La) are useful in diagnosis of Sjogren syndrome (especially with Vasculitis) and some forms of lupus; maybe present in anti phospholipid antibody syndrome
Sample: serum
Normal range: Negative
Comment: SS-A (Ro) and SS-B (La) are useful in diagnosis of Sjogren syndrome (especially with Vasculitis) and some forms of lupus; maybe present in anti phospholipid antibody syndrome
Sample: serum
Normal range: 26-35 seconds Comment: T screen the integrity of the intrinsic pathway of coagulation (factors…
Normal range: Non-pregnant: Negative; Pregnant: Positive Comment: Positive result maybe found 7 days after implantation and…
(See Anti LKM1 (Liver- Kidney Microsomal Ab
Normal range: Negative Comment: IgG-HAV antibody develops in acute hepatitis A (infective hepatitis) and persists after…
Normal range: 264-1320 pmol/L Comment: It is a by-product of endogenous insulin synthesis but has a…
Normal range: Negative Comment: Auto-immune With your Ascendant, the image you project in society is…