Useful marker for gastric and colonic carcinoma. It has a high specificity for gastric carcinoma metastasis when it is high and useful for detecting recurrence
Sample: serum
Useful marker for gastric and colonic carcinoma. It has a high specificity for gastric carcinoma metastasis when it is high and useful for detecting recurrence
Sample: serum
Normal range: Negative Comment: Polyarteritis nodosa, idiopathic cresentic glomerunephritis, SLE, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease,…
(Normal range: 90-180 mg/dL (0.9-1.8 g/L Comment: Quantitation of C3 is used to detect individuals with…
Normal range: Negative Comment: Insulin antibodies are secreted in almost all diabetics treated with exogenous insulin….
Normal range: Negative Comment: Support for the diagnosis of mumps virus infection; document previous exposure to…
Normal range: Negative Comment: Current infection with Echinococcus (Hydatid cyst) is associated with rising titer. Titer…
This marker is useful for detection of Diabetes Mellitetus Type I with a sensitivity of about…