Useful in urine and CSF testing in imunocompromized patients
Sample: urine or CSF
Useful in urine and CSF testing in imunocompromized patients
Sample: urine or CSF
Normal range: 7-21 mg/dl Comment: Blood urea increase with age. Raised levels in renal dysfunction, dehydration,…
Normal range: FPSA: 0.05-0.25 ng/mL Comment: The free PSA: total PSA ratio is a useful screening…
Normal range: Negative Comment: See Hepatitis Delta (HDV) Antigen Sample: serum
:Normal range Errect: 1.310-3.950 ng/mL/hr; Supine: 0.150-2.330 ng/mL/hr Comment: Renin, secreted by the juxtaglomerular cells adjacent…
:Normal range Blood, umol/L* Newborn: 40-90 Infants: 20-80 Children: 45-80 Adults: 50-70 Urine, umol/L* Infants: <…
Normal range: 1.6-2.6 mg/dL Comment: Low levels in severe prolonged diarrhea; also occasionally in hypoparathyrodism, primary…
Normal range: 7-21 mg/dl Comment: Blood urea increase with age. Raised levels in renal dysfunction, dehydration,…
Normal range: FPSA: 0.05-0.25 ng/mL Comment: The free PSA: total PSA ratio is a useful screening…
Normal range: Negative Comment: See Hepatitis Delta (HDV) Antigen Sample: serum
:Normal range Errect: 1.310-3.950 ng/mL/hr; Supine: 0.150-2.330 ng/mL/hr Comment: Renin, secreted by the juxtaglomerular cells adjacent…
:Normal range Blood, umol/L* Newborn: 40-90 Infants: 20-80 Children: 45-80 Adults: 50-70 Urine, umol/L* Infants: <…
Normal range: 1.6-2.6 mg/dL Comment: Low levels in severe prolonged diarrhea; also occasionally in hypoparathyrodism, primary…
Normal range: 7-21 mg/dl Comment: Blood urea increase with age. Raised levels in renal dysfunction, dehydration,…
Normal range: FPSA: 0.05-0.25 ng/mL Comment: The free PSA: total PSA ratio is a useful screening…
Normal range: Negative Comment: See Hepatitis Delta (HDV) Antigen Sample: serum
:Normal range Errect: 1.310-3.950 ng/mL/hr; Supine: 0.150-2.330 ng/mL/hr Comment: Renin, secreted by the juxtaglomerular cells adjacent…
:Normal range Blood, umol/L* Newborn: 40-90 Infants: 20-80 Children: 45-80 Adults: 50-70 Urine, umol/L* Infants: <…
Normal range: 1.6-2.6 mg/dL Comment: Low levels in severe prolonged diarrhea; also occasionally in hypoparathyrodism, primary…