Normal range: Negative
Comment: See Hepatitis Delta (HDV) Antigen
Sample: serum
Normal range: Negative
Comment: See Hepatitis Delta (HDV) Antigen
Sample: serum
Normal range: Negative Comment: Insulin antibodies are secreted in almost all diabetics treated with exogenous insulin….
Comment: Measurement of BNP blood levels is now part of essential work up for any patients…
:Normal range Erect : 111-860 Pmol/L Supine : 28-444 Pmol/L Comment: Useful the in investigation of…
Normal range (M: 78-138 mg/dl (0.78-1.38 g/L (F : 79-188 mg/dl (0.79-1.88 g/L Comment: Alpha-…
Normal range: Negative: < 10.0, Grayzone: 10.0-15.0; Positive: > 15.0 Comment: This assay may provide support…
Comment: CMV-IgM responses may persist for weeks to months post infection. Low levels of IgM maybe…