Useful for diarrhea invsetigation in immunocompromized hosts
Sample: Stool
Useful for diarrhea invsetigation in immunocompromized hosts
Sample: Stool
Normal range: 0.5-1.0 IU/mL :Comment Determine if patients is at the desired level of anticoagulation with…
Normal range: 6.2-8.0 g/dL Comment: Increased in hyperimmunoglobulinemia (polyclonal or monoclonal gammopathies). Also raised in dehydration…
Normal range: Negative Comment: This autoimmune antibody is detectable in chronic active hepatitis, viral hepatitis, cryptogenic…
Normal range: Negative (Comment: Increased Heinz body anemia (910-40% of the hemoglobin is a structurally abnormal,…
Normal range: Negative Comment: Epstein Barr virus is a DNA virus that infects mostly young children…
:Normal range Blood, umol/L* Newborn: 75-220 Infants: 50-220 Children: 75-200 Adults: 100-250 Urine, umol/L* Infants: <…