Normal range: Negative
Comment: Useful in the investigation of multiple myeloma for the evaluation of Kappa & Lambda ratio
Sample: Urine
Normal range: Negative
Comment: Useful in the investigation of multiple myeloma for the evaluation of Kappa & Lambda ratio
Sample: Urine
:Normal range 19yrs: 4-10 pmol/L> 19yrs: 4-9 pmol/L< Comment: Raised in hyperthyroidism, often before the thyroxine…
Normal range: Normal pattern Comment: A qualitative screen for the investigation of inborn errors of metabolism…
Normal range: Negative Comment: Useful for diagnosis of ketonemeia in diabetic mellitus, alcoholism, stress, starvation, intestinal…
:Normal range Normal range Wks after transplant 250-300 ng/ mL 1-3 200-250 ng/ mL 3-6 150-200…
Normal range: Negative Comment: HBcAb appears 5-14 days after exposure. This may be the only marker…
(Normal range: 4.32-5.24 mg/dl (1.08-1.3 mmol/L Comment: Ionized calcium reflects the physiological active function of total…