Normal range: Up to 1.5 g/24 hr
.”Comment:Relative phosphateuria occurs in the Fanconi syndrome (Cystinosis) and in “resistance rickets
Sample: 24 hr urine
Normal range: Up to 1.5 g/24 hr
.”Comment:Relative phosphateuria occurs in the Fanconi syndrome (Cystinosis) and in “resistance rickets
Sample: 24 hr urine
:Normal range M: up to 37 IU/L up to 0.62 mkat/L F: up to31 IU/L up…
Normal range: 0.6-1.2 mmol/L Comment: Lithium levels are measured for control of therapeutic dosage of lithium…
:Normal range Blood, umol/L* Newborn150-1300 Infants: 150-1150 Children: 150-950 Adults: 150-1150 Urine, umol/L* Infants: 0 Children:…
3-7 yrs 8-76 IU/L 8-14 yrs 6-89 IU/L > 14 yrs 8-52 IU/L Comment: Results are…
Useful for diarrhea invsetigation in immunocompromized hosts Sample: Stool
Therapeutic range: 5-12 mg/mL Comment: As several drugs are often prescribed together, multi-drug assay may assist…
:Normal range M: up to 37 IU/L up to 0.62 mkat/L F: up to31 IU/L up…
Normal range: 0.6-1.2 mmol/L Comment: Lithium levels are measured for control of therapeutic dosage of lithium…
:Normal range Blood, umol/L* Newborn150-1300 Infants: 150-1150 Children: 150-950 Adults: 150-1150 Urine, umol/L* Infants: 0 Children:…
3-7 yrs 8-76 IU/L 8-14 yrs 6-89 IU/L > 14 yrs 8-52 IU/L Comment: Results are…
Useful for diarrhea invsetigation in immunocompromized hosts Sample: Stool
Therapeutic range: 5-12 mg/mL Comment: As several drugs are often prescribed together, multi-drug assay may assist…
:Normal range M: up to 37 IU/L up to 0.62 mkat/L F: up to31 IU/L up…
Normal range: 0.6-1.2 mmol/L Comment: Lithium levels are measured for control of therapeutic dosage of lithium…
:Normal range Blood, umol/L* Newborn150-1300 Infants: 150-1150 Children: 150-950 Adults: 150-1150 Urine, umol/L* Infants: 0 Children:…
3-7 yrs 8-76 IU/L 8-14 yrs 6-89 IU/L > 14 yrs 8-52 IU/L Comment: Results are…
Useful for diarrhea invsetigation in immunocompromized hosts Sample: Stool
Therapeutic range: 5-12 mg/mL Comment: As several drugs are often prescribed together, multi-drug assay may assist…