Normal range: 40-250 mg/dl
Comment: Gamma globulin fraction of plasma proteins. It protects blood stream. It is the primary response to antigen. It lyses bacteria. Complement activated
Sample: serum
Normal range: 40-250 mg/dl
Comment: Gamma globulin fraction of plasma proteins. It protects blood stream. It is the primary response to antigen. It lyses bacteria. Complement activated
Sample: serum
:Normal range Blood, umol/L* Newborn: 8-36 Infants: 7-41 Children: < 50 Adults: < 50 Urine, umol/L*…
Immunohistochemistry for this marker has emerged as a valuable diagnostic aid in the diagnosis of CIN…
Normal range: 1.6-34 IU/L Comment: Erythropoietin is produced by the kidney and is the primary hormone…
Normal range: Negative Comment: Increased in serum from muscle disease or trauma and within a few…
Normal range: Therapeutic range: 55.5-111 mmol/L; Neonatal apnea: 33.3-72.15 mmol/L Comment:Theophylline is used as bronchodialator of…
Normal range: Up to108 pg/mL Comment: Of diagnostic value in patients with a gastrinoma (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome)….